노가리까다 [no-ga-ri gga-da] chew the fat; shoot the shit
You up for some 노가리까다 this weekend? We’ll chew the fat & shoot the shit till we run out of soju! 노가리는 본래 명태 새끼를 의미한다. 한국인들은 보통 술을 마실 때 말린 노가리를 안주 삼아 먹는다. 그러므로 노가리 까다는 문자그대로 “말린 노가리를 뜯다”가 된다. 술을 마 실 때 수다를 많이 떠는 것 처럼 killing time 또는 shooting the shit 을 암시한다. A...나발불다 [na-bal-bul-da] swig it; suck it down
나발불다 – there are so many reasons not to do this, but I still want to ㅋㅋㅋ – who’s up for a drink or two this weekend?
밤새 달려 [bam-sae dal-ryeo] to party hardy; drink all night
We are gonna rock through the night tonight! 밤새 달려 [bam-sae dal-ryeo] to party hardy; run all night; stay up drinking (like it’s 1999)
싸이숨 (P’sigh) a Psy lament
Sick of seeing Psy? 싸이숨 ~unconscious reaction to seeing Psy in yet another video, TV commercial, etc. “Psy again, yeah whatever. I’m so over Gangnam Style!”
개기다 [gae-gi-da] to rebel or be defiant; get sassy; tripping’
Yakety, Yak. Don’t Talk Back: 개기다 [gae-gi-da] to rebel or be defiant; get sassy; trippin’
본래 닳거나 해지다, 성가시게 달라붙다라는 의미를 가지고 있는 ‘개개다’라는 단어로부터 변형된 말.
흑역사 [heuk-yeok-sa] dark history
흑역사 [heuk-yeok-sa] dark history
Our history haunts us; from poor hairstyles to our embarrassing Goth phase, 흑역사’s dark history always finds its way to the light of the present day.