100m 미인
Heyyy, good looking’! What ya got cooking’? How bout… – ohhh, sorry. Uh, I was talking to someone behind you…
100m 미인 [baek-mi-teo mi-in] good from far, but far from good; butt-ugly or fugly
Heyyy, good looking’! What ya got cooking’? How bout… – ohhh, sorry. Uh, I was talking to someone behind you…
100m 미인 [baek-mi-teo mi-in] good from far, but far from good; butt-ugly or fugly
Before you dine and dash, you’d better make sure the ajuma isn’t faster than you! 토끼다 [to-ggi-da] to skip out
Who me? I’m a simple 새대가리 fella with a bird simple plan… ABSOLUTELY OBLIVIOUS! 새대가리 [sae-dae-ga-ri]to be totally oblivious; a birdbrain; a twit; ABSOLUTELY OBLIVIOUS
Like nails on a chalkboard, it was never ending! 바가지 긁다 [ba-ga-ji geulk-da] to nag, bitch and moan
Why do i always get stuck overpaying for crap here? 바가지 쓰다 [ba-ga-ji sseu-da]
Get your upstart hand off of me!
to give lip; not show respect to elders
배째라 [bae-jjae-ra] I’d rather die; my mind is made up!
Cut my stomach! Go ahead and try to change my mind. Baejjaera to the death!
ㄱ The Mutable Transgender Giuk
간지난다; 갈구다; 갑이다; 강추; 강남스타일; 개기다; 개드립; 겁나게; 고고씽; 고딩(초딩, 중딩,
대딩, 직딩); 고춧가루 뿌리다; 골때린다; 골초 or 꼴초; 공주병; 구라까다; 구리다; 귀차니즘;
까리하다; 까다; 깔(따구); 꺄 or 꺅; 깝치다; 깡(다구); (확)깬다; 꺼져; 꽝이다; 꼬라지; 꼬라지
나다; 꼬붕; 꼬지다; 꼴았다; 꼴통; 꼽사리 끼다; 꿀벅지; 꼽살리다