What's on the Menu?
The diet of a dedicated badass

밥 먹듯 쓰는 말.
This shit is so necessary, it's like rice, which you should eat for every meal, all the damn time – really!

때때로 쓰는 말.
A little something on the side (lexical panchan - not for everyday use).

술 마실 때 쓰는 말.
Stuff to say (and do) while drinking! Shoot the sh*t while shooting shots!

The Kimchi Pot
매운(상스러운) 말 그리고 욕, 조심하세요!
Watch out! Spicy language and swearing!

성적인 표현.
Something sexual to snack on. Salacious and sweet! Say it ain't Seoul!

서양에서 유래된 외래 비속어, 콩글리쉬.
Konglish(ee), a half-baked mix of Korean and English terms.

일본에서 유래된 비속어.
The other Konglish, slang expressions jumping the puddle from Japan.

학교에서 쓰는 말.
What kids say in the halls, not the classroom, from school daze to the study-hard hakgyo haze.
Culture Cues
Grey Rat
대박 [daebak]…
Get your Korean Slang on today!
Learning a language has never been so damn delicious.
The Card Categories
Sometimes we just need a guide, and the sassy snippets of the #SeoulTips series git you that bit of advice for your Seoul adventure. Want to know why the drama’s always a rich guy, a domineering mother and secret girlfriend… Follow these tips and you’re sure to make a splash (and suddenly become a Chebol son).

#RatsTail Cards
#TIK (This Is Korea)
#TIK:ThisIsKorea lets you to keep calm in the face of frustration. So forget what your non-Korean sensibilities tell you ‘cause this is the Korean way.’ Just adjust your expectations and go with the flow. Acceptance is only a shoulder shrug away.
Sort through some inspiring and Seoulful images of everyday life in the land of the morning loudspeaker. Something to giggle at or something worth sharing. Say it aint Seoul!
You can do it too – Just share with us your Korean Slang inspired shot for a chance to win a free book! Remember: explanations count!
Korean Slang: The Soju Edition ~ an epic drinking game… Coming soon to a hof, ba(r) or pojangmacha near you! We’ll be uploading ideas for each card as they come to us. Your feedback is required!
The Slang Series
We’ll be uploading more and more of this new slang inspired Badass Korean video series for your education and entertainment. Stay tuned for some seriously badass shit from me and the Grey Rat.
Look no further. Grab your copy & start learning today!
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In Korea (in English)
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