The Flashcard
Make good use of this to get your slang down and keep it in hand to share with your class, your club, your circle, your set!

Story Time
불쌍한 참새 |
Batman | 로빈아! 매점가서 컵라면 사와! |
Robin | 귀찮아. 넌 손이 없어? 발이 없어? 네가 직접 사먹어. |
Batman | 개기는거야? 그렇게 개기다가 한대 맞는다. |
Robin | 나 때리면, 다음 시험 때 누구 시험지 베끼려고 그래? |
Poor Sparrow |
배트맨 | Robin-a. Go get me a cup-ramyon from the school store. |
로빈 | How annoying. You don’t have hands? No feet? You go buy it and eat it yourself. |
배트맨 | You gaegida me? If you gaegida like this, I’ll smack you. |
로빈 | If you hit me, whose test will you copy off of next time? |
A big bowl of Rice



Quote of the Day
“누가 말할 수 있다고 그래서? 앉고, 입닫고, 개기지마!”
“Who said you could speak. Sit down, shut up and stop talking back!” ~ Getting one’s hair up (in arms)
Back talk and you’ll get back handed… Yakety, Yak. Don’t Talk Back