by Peter Liptak
No relaxing necessary!
Get your ass in gear! We’ve got places to go and things to do, subways to catch, people to bump into, lines to cut in front of, rock and roll baby, this is the 빨리 빨리 [balli balli] culture after all. — Oh, shit! There goes our bus!
by Peter Liptak
I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! ~Have you fallen? 지못미. Sorry, I wasn’t there to pick you up. What happened.
The sad fact is, I just didn’t care enough! ㅋㅋㅋ
by Peter Liptak
Run, Jack! Run! Slang of the day: 토끼다 (to-ggi-dda) to run away as fast & quietly as a rabbit, or to avoid paying a bill by running away (to dine and dash).
by Peter Liptak
Heading to the PC bang ~ Slang of the day: 땡땡이 치다 (ddang-ddang-i chi-da) Means to play hooky, skip class, or get out of class to do something else.